Product Lasers
Rev. 18/12/2020
Scope of Directive 2006/42/EC of 17 May 2006 on machinery and amending Directive 95/16/EC
Scope of application The machinery sector is an important part of the mechanical industry. A machine consists of a set of components, at least one of which is movable, joined together for a specific application. The machinery drive system is powered by energy other than human or animal effort. The directive promotes the free movement of machinery within the single market and ensures a high level of protection for EU workers and citizens. As a 'new approach' directive, it promotes harmonisation through a combination of mandatory health and safety requirements and voluntary harmonised standards. The Machinery Directive only applies to products that are to be placed on the EU market for the first time.
Legislative Decree
Number:Legislative Decree No 17 of 27 January
Title:Implementation of Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery and amending Directive 95/16/EC on lifts.
Ministerial Decree
Number:Ministerial Decree 15 October 2015, n. 206
Title:Regulation amending the decree 12 May 2011, n. 110, concerning the regulation for the implementation of article 10, paragraph 1, of law no. 1, relating to the electromechanical devices used for the beautician's activity. (15G00218)
Scope of application:Electromechanical equipments used for the attivita 'of beautician and aesthetic centers
Any technical standard indicated in the DM:
Main Voluntary Technical Standards CEI 76-6
CEI 76-8
CEI 76-10
CEI 76-11
Amministrazione di
Altra AmministrazioneMinistry of
Keywords Lasers