Product Packaging
Rev. 18/12/2020
Scope of Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2001 on general product safety
Scope of application The purpose of this Directive is to ensure that products placed on the market are safe. This Directive applies to all the products defined in Article 2(a). Each of its provisions shall apply in so far as there are no specific provisions with the same objective in EU law governing the safety of the products concerned. Where products are subject to specific safety requirements imposed by EU legislation, this Directive shall apply only to the aspects and risks or categories of risks not covered by those requirements.
Legislative Decree
Number:Legislative Decree No 206 of 6 September 2005
Title:Consumer Code, pursuant to Article 7 of Law No 229 of 29 July 2003.
Ministerial Decree
Number:2011/0356/I - S10E
Title:Schema di regolamento recante aggiornamento del decreto del Ministro della Sanità, 21 marzo 1973, concernente la disciplina degli imballaggi, recipienti, utensili, destinati a venire a contatto con le sostanze alimentari o con sostanze d'uso personale, limitatamente alle cassette in polipropilene e polietilene riciclato.
Scope of application:Polypropylene and recycled polyethylene packaging intended to come into contact with food
Any technical standard indicated in the DM:
Main Voluntary Technical Standards UNI/TR 11776:2020
UNI 10858-4:2018
UNI 10986:2018
UNI 10920:2014
UNI 10858-2:2018
UNI 10858-3:2018
UNI 10858-1:2018
UNI 9151-1:2016
UNI 9151-3:2016
UNI 9151-2:2016
UNI 10558:1996
UNI 11038-1:2019
UNI 9918:2013
UNI 8072:1980 + A213:1988
UNI 11066:2003
UNI 11419:2011
Amministrazione di
Keywords Wood packaging
Plastic packaging