Product Construction products for structural use
Rev. 22/07/2021
Scope of Reg. (EU) 2011/305 of 9 March 2011
Scope of application Ministero delle Infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibili - Technical Standards for Construction (NTC 2018) and Application Circular
Legislative Decree
Number:Legislative Decree No 106 of 16 June 2017
Title:Adaptation of national legislation to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC
Ministerial Decree
Number:D.M. 17.1.2018 and Circolare n°7-2019 C.S.LL.PP. – Par. 11.1, Par. 11.3, Par. 11.5 and Par. 11.7
Title:Update of the «Technical standards for the buildings "
Scope of application:
Any technical standard indicated in the DM:
Main Voluntary Technical Standards
Amministrazione di riferimentoMinistry of Infrastructure and Transport -
Keywords Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete: - BARS, ROLLS, WELDED NETS, TRUSSES; Reinforcement for Prestressed Reinforced Concrete: - STRANDS, WIRES, BRAIDS and BARS; Rolled Steel Elements: - TAPES and SHEETS;
Transformation centers of steel from reinforced concrete; Woodworking Centers;
Materials and products referred to in point 11.1.c of the 2018 NTCs subject to CVT (Technical Assessment Certificates); Other materials and products for structural use for which a national qualification is required